
The Diofant can be installed on any computer with Python 3.9 or above. You can install latest release with pip:

pip install diofant

or to install also extra dependencies:

pip install diofant[gmpy,interactive]

To use Unicode pretty printing — configure your system to have good TTF fonts. The DejaVu Sans Mono seems to be an acceptable choice. On Debian you can install this font package with:

apt install fonts-dejavu

From Sources

If you are a developer or like to get the latest updates as they come, be sure to install from the git repository and include required extra dependencies:

git clone git://
cd diofant
pip install -e .[develop,docs,tests]

Run Diofant

To verify that your freshly-installed Diofant works, please start up the Python interpreter:


and execute some simple statements like the ones below:

>>> from import x
>>> ((1 + x)**(1/x)).limit(x, 0)


Run Diofant as a module for interactive work:

python -m diofant

For a starter guide on using Diofant, refer to the Tutorial.

Also, you may want to run full set of unit tests to make sure everything works:

pytest --pyargs diofant

pytest and some other packages are required for testing, so be sure to install the Diofant first with the optional “tests” list of dependencies:

pip install diofant[tests]


If you think there’s a bug, you have a question or you would like to request a feature, please open an issue ticket. General questions and comments can be sent to the Diofant mailing list.